Station ALOHA Portal
Several other oceanographic projects coincide at Station Aloha that can be accessed through the Station Aloha Portal.
ACO Wiki
Data Management, Instrumentation, Network Design, and Deployment information can all be found on this wiki page.
2011 ACO Cruise Blog by Ali Andrews
Updated once a day while at sea, this blog documents the deployments, troubleshooting and merriment of the ACO cruise in late May and early June 2011.
2017 ACO Cruise Blog by Jessica Lotts
This blog documents the ROV Lu'ukai Testing and ACO cruise in June 2017.
Remotely Operated Vechicle Jason/Medea
Operated by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution(WHOI) and its pilots, navigators and engineers, Jason was used to install the ACO on the seafloor.
Jason Virtual Van (Click on 2011, km1116, then virtual van)
A timeline of the ACO cruise can be found here, documented by images taken from Jason's cameras and an event log updated from the Jason Control Van.
University of Hawaii School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology (SOEST)
The researchers and scientists, both from the Ka'ena Ridge Study and from ACO, work at SOEST.
R/V Kilo Moana
The ACO cruise was conducted aboard the University of Hawai'i Marine Center's R/V Kilo Moana.
Hawaii Ocean Time-series (HOT)
At Station ALOHA, where the ACO is located, there is a long-standing research project called the Hawaii Ocean Time-series (HOT) which has been studying both the biogeochemical and physical properties of the area as a representative study of the greater North Pacific Ocean.
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution(WHOI) Hawaii Ocean Time-series Site(WHOTS)
Also at Station ALOHA, a collaboration between WHOI and HOT scientists studies ocean-atmosphere interactions by deploying a surface mooring yearly.
ALOHA Mars Mooring
The ALOHA Mars Mooring is a project similiar to the ACO located in Washington, from which the project acquired the Aloha Mars Mooring (AMM) node.
Hawaii Mapping Research Group
Also a part of SOEST, this website hosts the Main Hawaiian Islands Multibeam Bathymetry Synthesis through which the bathymetery of Station ALOHA and surrounding areas can be explored.
International Cable Protection Committee
ACO is listed under Cable Data and Scientific Cables.