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Sensor maintenance during the ACO-8 cruise (5/28-6/2/2021): the BSP-5 with CTD4 and CAM2 with lights were installed.


Roger Lukas, Fernando Santiago-Mandujano, James Potemra, Robert Weller, Albert Plueddemann, Bruce Howe, R. Walter Deppe, David Murphy, Richard Guenther, and Nordeen Larson. "Abyssal Variations at the Station ALOHA OceanSITES: HOT, WHOTS and ACO: Results from the OceanSITES Deep T-S Project Informing the Deep Ocean Observing Strategy." Ocean Sciences Meeting, February 11-16, 2018.

James Potemra, Bruce Howe, Kellen Rosburg, Fernando Santiago-Mandujano, and Kellie Terada. "Real-time Data, Delivered in Real-time, from the Sea Floor." Ocean Sciences Meeting, February 11-16, 2018.

2016 Workshop. "Ocean observing infrastructure and sensing - Recent technical lessons learned and best practices." Organizer - Bruce Howe, September 23-25, 2016.

Bruce Howe, James Potemra, Rhett Butler, Fernando Santiago-Mandujano, Roger Lukas, Frederick Duennebier, David Karl, and Jerome Aucan. "Continuing and New Measurements at the Abyssal ALOHA Cabled Observatory" Ocean Sciences February 22-26, 2016, OD11A-04.

R. Walter Deppe, Roger Lukas, and Fernando Santiago-Mandujano. "Characterization of bathymetric constraints on deep ocean circulation in the Kauai Deep region around Station ALOHA" Ocean Sciences Meting, February 22, 2016

Roger Lukas, Fernando Santiago-Mandujano, Bruce Howe, Albert Plueddemann, Robert Weller, R. Walter Deppe, David Murphy, Richard Guenther, and Nordeen Larson. "Spatial Analysis of Abyssal Temperature Variations Observer from the ALOHA Cabled Observatory and WHOTS Moorings" Ocean Sciences Meeting, February 22, 2016

Bruce M. Howe. "ALOHA Cabled Observatory: Re-using a submarine telecom cable system for science" International Cable Protection Committee (ICPC) Plenary Meeting March 18-20, 2014

Bruce M. Howe. "'Green' submarine telecommunication cables to monitor global change and tsunamis in the deep ocean" International Cable Protection Committee (ICPC) Plenary Meeting March 18-20, 2014

Roger Lukas, Fernando Santiago-Mandujano, Albert Plueddemann, Robert Weller, Fred Duennebier, and Bruce Howe . "Quantifying the Surface Freshwater Flux at Station ALOHA" Ocean Sciences February 27, 2014

Fernando Santiago-Mandujano, Eric Firing, Joseph Gum, Bruce Howe, Roger Lukas, and Fred Duennebier. "Strong Abyssal Dynamics Captured by the ALOHA Cabled Observatory" Ocean Sciences Meeting, February 25, 2014

Bruce M. Howe and Roger Lukas. "ALOHA Cabled Observatory: On-going results and new instruments" Ocean Sciences Meeting, February 2014

Roger Lukas, Fernando Santiago-Mandujano, Craig Nosse, Eric Firing, Doug Luther, Matthew Alford, Bruce Howe, and Fred Duennebier. "Surprising Abyssal Tidal Signals at Station ALOHA" Ocean Sciences Meeting, February 20, 2012

Bruce Howe, Roger Lukas, and Fred Duennebier. "ALOHA Cabled Observatory: Early Results Including Acoustics"Ocean Sciences Meeting, February 21, 2012

Bruce M. Howe, Fred Duennebier, Roger Lukas, and Dave Karl. "ALOHA Cabled Observatory Installation" MTS/IEEE OCEANS'11 September 21, 2011